Token Presale


DEMI token will be listed on PancakeSwap a week after the presale. It will have a listing price of $2.

There will be 2 rounds of the presale;

  • 1st Round - one DEMI token will cost $0.75.

  • 2nd Round - one Demi token will cost $0.95.

Presale Whitelisted wallet addresses will have a discount.

  • Whitelisted addresses will buy at $0.50 on round 1 and $0.8 on round 2 per DEMI token and receive 5% of their total purchase in tokens after listing. The bonus will be locked for 180days.

  • Private Sale - This sale is now open. Participants are having 1 DEMI token at $0.4. Bonus tokens of up to 10% of purchase to be disbursed after token listing. The bonus token will have a locking period of 90days.

The DEMI token will be listed for the first time on Pancakeswap, a day after the presale has ended.

Last updated